News/Topics List
Kobatake-san received the Excellent Poster Award at the 2024 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Recruitment of graduate students
Prof. Mizushima has been recognized as Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers in 2024 (11th consecutive year).
Dr. Hayashi won an Excellent Poster Award at the 16th Autophagy Research Meeting for Young Scientists
Jing Zhang-san won the Best Student Poster Presentation Award at The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cell Biology
Cantona-san won the Best Poster Award at WINGS LST general meeting
Yamaguchi-san received the Best Poster Abstract Award at the 2023 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Kanda-san won the MBSJ2023 Best Science Pitch Award at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan
Dr. Eguchi won the Best Presentation Award at the 15th Autophagy Research Meeting for Young Scientists
Prof. Mizushima have been recognized as Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers in 2023 (10th straight year).
Kanda-san, Okawa-san and Nagashima-san won Young Scientists Presentation Award of Excellence at the 96rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Biochemical Society
Dr. Eguchi won the EMBO reports poster prize at the EMBO COB Workshop on Membrane shaping and remodeling by proteins in Kunming
Prof. Mizushima awarded inaugural Beth Levine, M.D. Prize in Autophagy Research
Okawa-san won an Excellent Poster Award at the 22th BioUT (Life Science Symposium at the University of Tokyo)
Nagashima-san and Suzuki-san received an Excellent Poster Abstract Award and the Best Poster Abstract Award respectively at the 2022 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Shimasawa-san received the 2020 SATOSHI ARIMA Memorial Fellowship
Prof. Mizushima have been recognized as Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers in 2022 (9th straight year).
Shimasawa-san received an Excellent Poster Abstract Award at the 2021 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Dr. Chino received Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists.
Prof. Mizushima was selected as a 2021 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (8th straight year)
The ERATO Symposium was held on Thursday, November 11, 2021
The ERATO International Symposium was held on Thursday, June 17, 2021
Prof. Mizushima was awarded the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon
Shimasawa-san and Suzuki-san received an Excellent Poster Abstract Award and the Best Poster Abstract Award respectively at the 2020 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Oshima-san received the Dean’s Award from ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Thesis Review Committee, and Mimura-san received the 2020 SATOSHI ARIMA Memorial Fellowship
Prof. Mizushima received “Minister of MEXT Award” at the 4th Award Ceremony for the Japan Medical Research and Development Grand Prize
Prof. Mizushima was selected as a 2020 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (7th straight year)
Prof. Mizushima received the Medical Award of the Japan Medical Association
Yamamoto-san won Young Scientists Presentation Award of Excellence at the 93rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Biochemical Society
Prof. Mizushima won the 61st Fujihara Award
Prof. Mizushima has been elected as an EMBO Associate Member
Dr. Morishita received a Young Scientist Presentation Award of Excellence at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology
Mimura-san won an Excellent Poster Abstract Award at the 2019 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Prof. Mizushima was selected as a 2019 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (6th straight year)
Both Dr. Morishita and Oshima-san received a ‘Best Poster Award’ at the 9th International Symposium on Autophagy.
Dr.Chino won Young Scientists Presentation Award of Excellence at at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society
Dr. Morishita received an Excellent Presentation Award from the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cataract Research / the 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Crystalline Lens Research
A Review Article by Dr. Morishita and Prof. Mizushima was published in Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
Dr. Honda won an Excellent Poster Award at the EMBO Workshop
Dr. Sakamoto won the 28th Incentive Award in Japanese Society of Parsitology
Ohshima-san won an Excellent Poster Abstract Award at the 2018 ‘Medical Scientist Training Program’ Retreat
Prof. Mizushima was selected as a 2018 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (Fifth straight year) !
Tamura-san and Morita-san won Young Scientists Presentation Award of Excellence at the 91st Annual Meeting of Japanese Biochemical Society
Chino-san won the Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Poster Prize at the International Symposium on Proteins: From the Cradle to the Grave
Kanda-san won an Excellent Poster Award at the 18th BioUT (Life Science Symposium at the University of Tokyo)
Prof. Mizushima’s Review was published in Nature Cell Biology
Mizushima ERATO Project (JST) has been launched
Recent Publications (Original) List
Autophagy adaptors mediate Parkin-dependent mitophagy by forming sheet-like liquid condensates (Yang et al. EMBO J)
Organelle landscape analysis using a multi-parametric particle-based method (Kurikawa, Honda et al. PLoS Biol.)
Optogenetic tools for inducing organelle membrane rupture (Nagashima et al. bioRxiv)
Syntaxin 17 recruitment to mature autophagosomes is temporally regulated by PI4P accumulation (Shinoda et al. eLife)
Experimental determination and mathematical modeling of standard shapes of forming autophagosomes (Sakai et al., Nat. Commun.)
TAX1BP1 recruits ATG9 vesicles through SCAMP3 binding (Hama et al. bioRxiv)
Comprehensive analysis of autophagic functions of WIPI family proteins and their implications for the pathogenesis of β-propeller associated neurodegeneration (Shimizu et al., Hum Mol Genet.)
Unique amphipathic α helix drives membrane insertion and enzymatic activity of ATG3 (Nishimura et al., Sci Adv.)
The pH-sensing Rim101 pathway regulates cell size in budding yeast
Quantitative 3D correlative light and electron microscopy of organelle association during autophagy (Takahashi et al., Cell Struct Funct.)
Ubiquitination of phosphatidylethanolamine in organellar membranes (Sakamaki et al., Mol. Cell)
NCOA4 drives ferritin phase separation to facilitate macroferritinophagy and microferritinophagy(大島 et al., J. Cell Biol.)
A pulse-chasable reporter processing assay for mammalian autophagic flux with HaloTag (Yim et al., eLife)
Evolutionary diversification of the autophagy-related ubiquitin-like conjugation systems (Zhang et al., Autophagy)
Phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 enhances the interaction between ER-phagy receptor TEX264 and ATG8 proteins (Chino et al., EMBO Rep.)
Annexins A1 and A2 are recruited to larger lysosomal injuries independently of ESCRTs to promote repair (Yim et al., FEBS Lett)
An exploratory text analysis of the autophagy research field (Yim, et al., Autophagy)
NEK9 regulates primary cilia formation by acting as a selective autophagy adaptor for MYH9/myosin IIA (Yamamoto, et al., Nat. Commun.)
Genome-wide CRISPR screening reveals nucleotide synthesis negatively regulates autophagy (Mimura, et al., J Biol Chem)
Organelle degradation in the lens by PLAAT phospholipases (Morishita, et al., Nature)
Evolution and insights into the structure and function of the DedA superfamily containing TMEM41B and VMP1 (Okawa, Hama, Zhang et al., J Cell Sci)
Autophagy is required for maturation of surfactant-containing lamellar bodies in the lung and swim bladder (Morishita, et al., Cell Rep.)
Modeling Membrane Morphological Change during Autophagosome Formation (Sakai, et al., iScience)
A critical role of VMP1 in lipoprotein secretion (Morishita, et al., eLife)
Intrinsically disordered protein TEX264 mediates ER-phagy (Chino et al., Mol Cell)
Evolution from covalent conjugation to non-covalent interaction in the ubiquitin-like ATG12 system (Yamamoto et al., Nat Struct Mol Biol)
Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies TMEM41B as a gene required for autophagosome formation (Morita et al., J Cell Biol)
Autophagosomal YKT6 is required for fusion with lysosomes independently of syntaxin 17 (Matsui et al., J Cell Biol)
Differential requirement for ATG2A domains for localization to autophagic membranes and lipid droplets (Tamura et al., FEBS Lett)
Accumulation of undegraded autophagosomes by expression of dominant-negative syntaxin 17 mutants (Uematsu et al., Autophagy)
Autophagosome formation is initiated at phosphatidylinositol synthase-enriched ER subdomains (Nishimura et al., EMBO J)
The ATG conjugation systems are important for degradation of the inner autophagosomal membrane (Tsuboyama, Honda et al., Science)
An autophagic flux probe that releases an internal control (Kaizuka, Morishita et al., Mol Cell)
Systemic Analysis of Atg5-Null Mice Rescued from Neonatal Lethality by Transgenic ATG5 Expression in Neurons (Yoshii, Kuma et al.)
Ultrastructural analysis of autophagosome organization using mammalian autophagy-deficient cells (Kishi et al.)
The HOPS complex mediates autophagosome-lysosome fusion through interaction with syntaxin 17 (Jiang et al.)
Expression of the autophagy substrate SQSTM1/p62 is restored during prolonged starvation depending on transcriptional upregulation and autophagy-derived amino acids (Sahani MH et al.)
Expression of the autophagy substrate SQSTM1/p62 is restored during prolonged starvation depending on transcriptional upregulation and autophagy-derived amino acids (Honda et al.)
Differential contribution of insulin and amino acids to the mTORC1-autophagy pathway in the liver and muscle (Naito et al.)
Deletion of Atg5 and Pik3c3 genes in the lens causes cataract independent of programmed organelle degradation (Morishita et al.)
FIP200 regulates targeting of Atg16L1 to the isolation membrane (Nishimura)
De novo mutations in the autophagy gene WDR45 cause static encephalopathy of childhood with neurodegeneration in adulthood (Nishimura)
Proteasome-dependent activation of mTORC1 is essential for autophagy suppression and muscle remodeling following denervation (Quy)
Atg8 localizes to the apicoplast of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Kitamura)
Mammalian Atg2 proteins are essential for autophagosome formation and important for regulation of size and distribution of lipid droplets (Velikkakath, Nishimura)
Structures containing Atg9A and the ULK1 complex independently target depolarized mitochondria at initial stages of Parkin-mediated mitophagy (Itakura)
Recent Publications (Review) List
Autophagic flux measurement: cargo degradation versus generation of degradation products (Mizushima, Curr Opin Cell Biol.)
Ubiquitination of non-protein substrates (Sakamaki and Mizushima, Trends Cell Biol.)
Autophagy genes in biology and disease (Yamamoto, Zhang et al., Nat Rev Genet.)
Transient visit of STX17 (syntaxin 17) to autophagosomes (Koyama-Honda and Mizushima, Autophagy)
Regulation of ER-derived membrane dynamics by the DedA domain-containing proteins VMP1 and TMEM41B (Hama, Morishita et al., EMBO Rep.)
Breakthroughs and bottlenecks in autophagy research (Mizushima, et al., Trends Mol Med)
The evolution of autophagy proteins – diversification in eukaryotes and potential ancestors in prokaryotes (Zhang, et al., J Cell Sci)
Autophagy in human diseases (*Mizushima, N., Levine, B. , N. Engl. J. Med, 2020)
Beth Levine 1960-2020 (Simon et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2020)
Autophagy assays for biological discovery and therapeutic development (Mizushima et al. Trends Biochem Sci. 2020)
ER-phagy: Quality control and turnover of endoplasmic reticulum (Chino et al., Trends Cell Biol)
Lysosome biology in autophagy (Yim et al., Cell Discov)
The ATG conjugation systems in autophagy (Mizushima, Curr Opin Cell Biol)
Diverse cellular roles of autophagy (Morishita et al., Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol)
The ubiquitin E2 enzyme UBE2QL1 mediates lysophagy (Mizushima, EMBO Rep)
TMEM41B functions with VMP1 in autophagosome formation (Morita et al., Autophagy)
YKT6 as a second SNARE protein of mammalian autophagosomes (Mizushima et al., Autophagy)
A brief history of autophagy from cell biology to physiology and disease (Mizushima, Nat Cell Biol)
Autophagy, Inflammation, and Metabolism (AIM) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence: supporting the next generation of autophagy researchers and fostering international collaborations (Deretic et al., Autophagy)
A dual binding receptor for ER-phagy (Mizushima, Dev Cell)